Continuous Adaptation via Meta learning in Nonstationary and Competitive Environment

Continuous Adaptation via Meta-Learning in Nonstationary and Competitive Environments

Maruan Al-Shedivat and Trapit Bansal and Yuri Burda and Ilya Sutskever and Igor Mordatch and Pieter Abbeel
arXiv e-Print archive - 2017 via Local arXiv
Keywords: cs.LG, cs.AI

First published: 2017/10/10 (5 years ago)
Abstract: Ability to continuously learn and adapt from limited experience in nonstationary environments is an important milestone on the path towards general intelligence. In this paper, we cast the problem of continuous adaptation into the learning-to-learn framework. We develop a simple gradient-based meta-learning algorithm suitable for adaptation in dynamically changing and adversarial scenarios. Additionally, we design a new multi-agent competitive environment, RoboSumo, and define iterated adaptation games for testing various aspects of continuous adaptation strategies. We demonstrate that meta-learning enables significantly more efficient adaptation than reactive baselines in the few-shot regime. Our experiments with a population of agents that learn and compete suggest that meta-learners are the fittest.



DeepMind's recently released paper (one of a boatload coming out in the wake of ICLR, which just finished in Vancouver) addresses the problem of building an algorithm that can perform well on tasks that don't just stay fixed in their definition, but instead evolve and change, without giving the agent a chance to re-train in the middle. An example of this, is one used at various points in the paper: of an agent trying to run East, that finds two of its legs (a different two each time) slowly less functional. The theoretical framework they use to approach this problem is that of meta learning. Meta Learning is typically formulated as: how can I learn to do well on a new task, given only a small number of examples of that task? That's why it's called "meta": it's an extra, higher-level optimization loop applied around the process of learning. Typical learning learns parameters of some task, meta learning learns longer-scale parameters that make the short-scale, typical learning work better. Here, the task that evolves and changes over time (i.e. a nonstationary task) is seen as a close variant of the the multi-task problem. And, so, the hope is that a model that can quickly adapt to arbitrary new tasks can also be used to learn the ability to adapt to a gradually changing task environment.   The meta learning algorithm that got most directly adapted for this paper is MAML: Model Agnostic Meta Learning. This algorithm works by, for a large number of tasks, initializing the model at some parameter set theta, evaluating the loss for a few examples on that task, and moving the gradients from the initialization theta, to a task-specific parameter set phi. Then, it  calculating the "test set" performance of the one-step phi parameters, on the task. But then - the crucial thing here - the meta learning model updates its initialization parameters, theta. So, the meta learning model is learning a set of parameters that provides a good jumping off point for any given task within the distribution of tasks the model is trained on. In order to do this well, the theta parameters need to both 1) learn any general information, shared across all tasks, and 2) position the parameters such that an initial update step moves the model in the profitable direction.   They adapted this idea, of training a model that could quickly update to multiple tasks, to the environment of a slowly/continuously changing environment, where certain parameters of the task the agent is facing. In this formulation, our set of tasks is no longer random draws from the distribution of possible tasks, but a smooth, Markov-walk gradient over tasks. The main change that the authors made to the original MAML algorithm was to say that each general task would start at theta, but then, as that task gradually evolved, it would perform multiple updates: theta to phi1, phi1 to phi2, and so on. The original theta parameters would then be updated according to a similar principle as the MAML parameters: so as to make the loss, summed over the full non-stationary task (notionally composed of many little sub-tasks) is as low as possible.                  



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